Baldur’s Gate 3 Guide: Locating and Defeating Ansur the Dragon in BG3

Baldur’s Gate 3: The Quest to Find and Defeat Ansur the Dragon

Baldur’s Gate 3 is filled with secrets, and one of the most intriguing challenges is the hidden presence of Ansur the Dragon beneath the city. Encountering Ansur occurs in Act Three, where players must prepare to face this formidable dragon with their party. This guide will help you navigate the discovery and defeat of Ansur in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Locating Ansur in Baldur’s Gate 3

The entrance to Ansur’s Lair is in Wyrm’s Rock Fortress. To get inside, follow these steps:

  • Head to coordinates X:32 and Y:159 in Wyrm’s Crossing.
  • Find a wooden balcony and jump down to the fortress using Feather Fall or healing potions.
  • Walk around the fortress to locate a crack in the wall.
  • Inside, head to coordinates X:36 and Y:-732. You will see two Dragon’s Head torches on the wall.
  • Cast a lightning attack, like Lightning Bolt, on both torches to open the secret passageway.

After opening the passageway, follow the path and pass through an Iron Gate (X:17, Y:-701). Interact with the statue of Balduran to learn about the four challenges you must complete before reaching Ansur.

Overcoming the Chamber Challenges

Chamber of Courage

In the Chamber of Courage, take the torch from the statue of Balduran, which triggers a fight against elementals. The goal is to survive for four turns rather than defeating them. Summon elementals or animal companions to absorb some damage.

Chamber of Justice

Here, you need to deal with several paintings. Focus on the Shrouded Paintings in the room’s center. Use Remove Curse to unveil them, then pick up the painting called The Cell and place it in the empty niche on the opposite wall.

Chamber of Strategy

Inside the Chamber of Strategy, you’ll face a chess puzzle. Your task is to destroy the Black King chess piece in three moves. Move the white Queen to the nearest purple Pawn, then capture the purple King.

Chamber of Insight

In the Chamber of Insight, you need to determine the most evil red figure among three. Using spells like Hold Monster can stop the books, or you can directly attack Suelto, the figure on the far left, with a ranged attack.

Defeating Ansur the Dragon

Once you complete all chambers, the door to Ansur opens. Prepare for a tough fight against the reanimated dragon skeleton. Here’s what you need to know:

Ansur’s Stats and Weaknesses

  • HP: 400
  • AC: 19
  • Type: Undead
  • Resistances: Lightning, Necrotic, Poison
  • Weaknesses: Melee and Ranged attacks

Preparation for the Battle

To prepare for Ansur, gather the following:

  • Arrow of Dragon Slaying: Deals extra damage to dragons.
  • Elixir of Lightning Resistance: Reduces lightning damage taken.
  • Haste Spell: Grants extra actions, though it causes lethargy afterward.
  • Globe of Invulnerability or Misty Step: Provides protection or quick escape options.

Ensure your party is well-rested, equipped with Arrows of Dragon Slaying, and buffed with resistance spells or elixirs. Save your game before engaging the dragon.

The Battle with Ansur

Phase One: Ansur uses Stormheart Nova, a powerful lightning attack. Position your party behind ice pillars or use protective spells like Globe of Invulnerability to mitigate damage.

Phase Two: Ansur will use sigils and Lightning Breath. Keep moving to avoid sigil blasts and use protection spells. Focus on continuous damage and use Haste for additional actions.

Maintain your party’s

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